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blast cellulite
Anti-Aging, Beauty, Blog, Body

7 Tips to Blast Cellulite

Most women have cellulite to some degree and as we age, cellulite tends to worsen as we lose collagen and the support structures become weakened. When it comes to getting toned, tight legs and glutes, cellulite has no place! Here’s 7 tips to blast cellulite away for good!

exercise benefits
Blog, Body, Lifestyle, Wellness

Why Exercise is Better than Xanax

Exercise is perhaps one of the best things you can do for yourself next to eating healthy, when it comes to improving your mood – feeling happy and energetic. Forget about popping pills, exercise has both short and long lasting mood and cognitive boosting action on the brain. Here’s how exercise is better than xanax; and how to get the most out of your exercise plan.

workout foods
Blog, Body, Diet, Supplements

Best Workout Foods: What to Eat Before and After

When it comes to getting a fit and lean body, we all know working out is an important part, but what about what you eat? The food you eat before helps fuel workouts, while the food you eat after helps accelerate the recovery process. It’s no longer acceptable to just grab anything before or after your workout and hope for the best. There’s some supporting research that shows the benefits of proper nutrition and your workout results. Here are a few tips on the best workout foods you should eat before and after your workouts to stay energized, build lean muscle, lose weight, and speed up recovery!

protein power bowls
Blog, Diet

How to Build A Protein Power Bowl

The ultimate protein power bowl will combine protein, carbs, fresh veggies and healthy fats.  A macro mix of ingredients selected to your taste and liking!  Use these easy steps to build your very own healthy protein power bowl to help meet your nutrition needs – fuel your muscles and maintain a healthy and sexy lean body!

weight loss supplements
Blog, Body, Fat Burning, Supplements

Do Weight Loss Supplements Even Work?

Feeling overwhelmed and confused by the sheer  abundance of weight loss supplement options?  With that abundance comes plenty of misconceptions on their effectiveness and use.  If you’re looking for the ‘magic bullet’, here are a few common weight loss myths and truths behind these misconceptions and even a few weight loss supplements you should consider using!

Blog, Sips, Wellness

6 Nutrients to Super Charge Your Immunity

Being healthy and active is critical to having a healthy functioning immune system that can handle any added stress from a cold or flu caused by a virus. If you’re looking for some ingredients to include in your diet to help boost your immunity, be sure to add these 6 ingredients!

post lockdown diet
Blog, Diet, Wellness

4 Tips For Your Post Lockdown Diet

The best diet to follow post lockdown is one that helps keep your immune system functioning at its optimal level. It’s critical that the diet you follow helps keep your calories and cravings in check and can prevent you from overeating. Want to stay healthy and get rid of the quarantine 15, keep reading!

fit meal planning
Blog, Body, Diet

5 Steps to Fit Meal Planning

Want a fit body? Simple use these five steps to fit meal planning! Contrary to popular belief you do not have to starve yourself to get a fit curvy body, it just takes following the right meal planning ahead of time!

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