keto diet

Blog, Diet

What Do You Know About Fats?

At one point in the evolution of diets, we thought it would be a good idea to avoid fat all together!  Fat was considered the enemy, we moved far away from fat to a low fat, high carbohydrate diet approach.  Fast-forward to now, and that approach has since been thrown out, we now realize fat plays just as important a role in the diet as every other macronutrient. 

Blog, Diet, Fat Burning

How to Burn Fat Carb Cycling

If you’re sick of following fad diets and ready to make sustainable weight loss changes, consider using Carb Cycling.  Keep reading to learn how to burn fat carb cycling!  Plus, learn what the carbohydrate hype is all about, and how to make carbs your friend, not your enemy.

keto diet
Blog, Diet, Fat Burning

Should You Try the Keto Diet?

A ketosis state can be achieved through a strict ultra low carb – ketogenic diet and maybe an effective means of burning body fat off quickly, that is if you can stand being on the diet! Curious if this type of diet is for you? Keep reading.

carb cycle
Blog, Diet, Fat Burning

How to Use A Carb Cycle Diet

Most of us women love us some carbs! Let’s be truthful here. Pretty much everything that is delicious comes from a carb but when it comes to burning fat, carbs should be the first thing to go.  Painful – there is a better way!  Here’s the rundown on how to use a carb cycle diet!

Blog, Diet, Fat Burning

How to Build Healthy Keto Meals

Traditional keto diets are centered on a diet that is made up of mostly fat –  75 to 80% of your calories;  while 10 to 15% come from protein and the remaining 10 to 5% from carbs.  This diet limits carbs so much, that it forces your body to use up any fat on the body as fuel in a process called ketosis.

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