leg workouts

Blog, Body

20 Minute Booty Band Workout

Here’s a simple, booty band workout you can perform at home or bring it to the gym!  These exercise are designed to give you a full leg and glute workout.  This workout will improve your legs and booty quickly and help build your core too!  Ready – let’s go!

Kettlebell Lower Body Workout
Blog, Body

Kettlebell Lower Body Workout

This kettlebell lower body workout is a perfect way to get a quick full leg workout in, while also burning a ton of calories too.  This workout incorporates both aerobic and strength training moves and depending on the weight of the kettlebell can also build power too!  Kettlebells are extremely versatile for leg training and great for the posterior chain – the glutes, hamstrings and erector spinae.  This workout is perfect for a quick home workout with just one kettlebell!

blast cellulite
Anti-Aging, Beauty, Blog, Body

7 Tips to Blast Cellulite

Most women have cellulite to some degree and as we age, cellulite tends to worsen as we lose collagen and the support structures become weakened. When it comes to getting toned, tight legs and glutes, cellulite has no place! Here’s 7 tips to blast cellulite away for good!

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