meal plan

diet rules
Blog, Diet, Fat Burning

5 Diet Rules Worth Following

Losing weight can be challenging, but with dedication and a few diet rules, it is possible. As women, we tend to hold more fat weight, which means we need to seriously put in the work, not just in they gym, but also by following a consistent diet plan.

food cravings
Blog, Diet, Fat Burning

6 Tips to Stop Food Cravings Fast

Cravings can be the result of many causes, it could be physiological like hormonal changes, eating habits, genetic make-up or even psychological – do you eat out of stress, boredom, or when you’re upset? Cravings can also be the result of bad dieting! Use these six tips to satisfy your cravings and keep you in diet control.

Blog, Diet, Fat Burning

How to Build Healthy Keto Meals

Traditional keto diets are centered on a diet that is made up of mostly fat –  75 to 80% of your calories;  while 10 to 15% come from protein and the remaining 10 to 5% from carbs.  This diet limits carbs so much, that it forces your body to use up any fat on the body as fuel in a process called ketosis.

fit meal planning
Blog, Body, Diet

5 Steps to Fit Meal Planning

Want a fit body? Simple use these five steps to fit meal planning! Contrary to popular belief you do not have to starve yourself to get a fit curvy body, it just takes following the right meal planning ahead of time!

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