weight loss

Blog, Diet, Supplements

4 Supplements that Work As Well As Ozempic?

Many tic tockers are claiming they’ve found supplements that work just as effective as this medication, but is that true?  Here I’m breaking down just what Ozempic does, the benefits and the downfalls, along with some potential natural alternatives that can also help with blood glucose and weight management. 

stay lean
Blog, Diet, Wellness

How to Stay Lean for Life

When it comes to staying lean, it really comes down to your consistency.  You need to be consistent with your workout, your diet, what you eat and the healthy habits you keep.  Here’s five tips to maintain a lean, healthy body for life.    

Blog, Fat Burning

4 Tips to Burn Fat Faster

Looking for a few ways to burn fat and get your metabolism working quicker? Burning off fat is not always as easy as eating less and doing more exercise, if you’re not eating the right foods,  performing the wrong types of exercise and not getting enough sleep, you could be impeding your fat burning results.  Keep reading to learn how to burn fat faster and what tactics you can use to kick start your metabolism.

Blog, Diet, Fat Burning

Five Fat Burning Foods

When it comes to our fat burning, the foods we eat can have a major impact on our outcomes.  If we eat foods that are nutrition-poor, are low in antioxidants, fiber and nutrients, our metabolism, muscle building and recovery will suffer.  On the reverse though, foods that are nutrient dense, can help regulate our metabolism, fat burning and muscle building hormones and pathways, and ensure proper recovery and better outcomes. 

Blog, Diet, Wellness

Does the Stress Hormone Cortisol Make You Fat?

A rise in this hormone can trigger numerous pathways that can affect everything from our emotional well being to our ability to build muscle and yes – burn fat! If that weren’t enough, the environment we live in and the food we eat, can further contribute to our body’s inflammatory response, causing greater inflammation and greater cortisol response.  So what are we to do? Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about stress, cortisol and how it makes us fat!

Blog, Lifestyle

10 Weight Loss Motivation Tips

If you are serious about committing to your new weight loss plan – you need to make those goals stick.  So get them out of your head and onto paper – write them down and put them up wherever you can see them to re-enforce your goals.  Here are ten weight loss motivation tips to help you plan your goals and keep you moving forward!

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