
wellness, immune boosters, healthy lifestyle, wellness supplements, health over 40, women’s health, immune health, anti-aging health

healthy grocery shopping
Blog, Diet, Wellness

5 Tips for Healthy Grocery Shopping

Walking into the grocery store without a plan of action can result in wrong food choices and an all out diet disaster. You need to become familiar with your grocery store and know which aisles to avoid and which should be your go to!  If you too are challenged by grocery shopping try these five tips for healthy grocery shopping.

Blog, Supplements, Wellness

High Maintenance: 6 Reasons to Use Cannabis

Being Canadian has its benefits, sure it’s cold AF, but cannabis is legal! If you’re curious about the health benefits of cannabis and its main chemical components – CBD and THC, read on to learn why it’s OK to be ‘high’ maintenance. Here are six reasons to consider using cannabis for it’s therapeutic benefit.

exercise benefits
Blog, Body, Lifestyle, Wellness

Why Exercise is Better than Xanax

Exercise is perhaps one of the best things you can do for yourself next to eating healthy, when it comes to improving your mood – feeling happy and energetic. Forget about popping pills, exercise has both short and long lasting mood and cognitive boosting action on the brain. Here’s how exercise is better than xanax; and how to get the most out of your exercise plan.

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