20 Minute Booty Band Workout

Here's a simple, booty band workout you can perform at home or bring it to the gym!  These exercise are designed to give you a full leg and glute workout.  This workout will improve your legs and booty quickly and help build your core too!  Ready - let's go!

This booty band body workout is a perfect way to get a quick full leg and booty workout in, while in the comfort of your own home.  This workout utilizes the thicker booty bands to ensure less movement of the band and more resistance.  Booty bands are extremely versatile for leg training and great for the posterior chain – the glutes and hamstrings.  This workout is perfect for a quick home workout with just one band!  This lower body band workout will build and shape a lean pair of legs and a nice booty too!

Here’s a simple, booty band workout you can perform at home or bring it to the gym!  These exercise are designed to give you a full leg and glute workout.  This workout will improve your legs and booty quickly and help build your core too!  Ready – let’s go!

Need More Workout Inspiration? Go Here:

20-Minute Booty Band Workout :


1) Squats

2) Reverse Lunge

3) Side Lunge

4) Hip Thrust

5) Side Leg Lift (R)

6) Side Leg Lift (L)

7) Upper Leg Lift (R)

8) Upper Leg Lift (L)

9) Side Squats

Perform each exercise for 40 seconds. Rest 20 seconds between exercises. At the conclusion of Round 1 rest 30 seconds then repeat.

Until Next Time,

Be Fierce & Rule the World,

Lauren Jacobsen

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